17 Things You Need to Know About Form Board Design for Electrical Wire Harnesses

May 8, 2024

Are you aware of how critical form board design is in the manufacturing of electrical wire harnesses?

With the increasing complexity of electronic systems, the design of wire harnesses has become a vital component in a wide range of industries, from automotive to aerospace. An automated software solution that validates the design of electrical wire harnesses (EWH) is essential to identify potential errors early in the design or pre-production process.

This can minimize the impact on schedule and cost. Here are seventeen key aspects of form board design you should consider:

1. Understanding the Basics: A form board is a full-scale diagram of a wire harness that shows the harness in its manufacturing or assembly layout. It is used as a physical template to accurately construct or inspect a wire harness.

2. Design Software Integration: Utilizing advanced design software that can integrate with automated validation tools is crucial in identifying potential errors early in the design phase.

3. Shorter Design Cycle : With shorter design cycles, there's less time for validating and verifying design requirements. Automation in the validation process is therefore essential to maintain efficiency (National Instruments).

4. Innovative Solutions in Low-Resource Settings: The EWH Design Competition encourages students to create innovative designs for medical technology, highlighting the importance of ingenuity in form board design, especially in settings with limited resources (Engineering World Health).

5. Digital Transition: Replacing traditional paper-based form boards with digital alternatives streamlines the information gathering process, saving time and reducing the chance of data loss during long test runs (Quixy).

6. Data Synchronization: It's important to synchronize data collection with actuation to ensure that measurements are stored automatically and accurately during the validation process (Viewpoint Systems).

7. Material Selection for Form Boards: The materials used for form boards must be durable and resistant to the manufacturing environment. Common materials include plywood, plastic, and composites.

8. Size and Scale: Form boards must be designed to the exact scale of the wire harness to ensure accurate assembly and fitting.

9. **Tool Integration**: Tools and fixtures used in the assembly process should be integrated into the form board design to streamline the manufacturing process.

10. **Component Placement**: All components, connectors, and terminals must be accurately placed on the form board to ensure correct assembly.

11. **Wire Routing**: The form board design must clearly indicate the routing paths for wires and cables to prevent misrouting and reduce the risk of damage.

12. Clamping Points: Adequate clamping points must be included in the form board design to secure the harness during assembly and testing.

13. Labeling and Documentation: Every wire, connector, and component must be clearly labeled on the form board to facilitate the assembly process and future maintenance.

14. Test Points: Designated test points should be included to allow for easy access during the validation and testing phase.

15. Scalability: The form board design should be scalable to accommodate variations in harness design for different applications or models.

16. Ergonomics: The form board layout must consider the ergonomics of the assembly process to ensure the safety and comfort of technicians.

17. Quality Control: The form board design plays a critical role in quality control, as it serves as the benchmark for the final harness product.

Wrapping up, form board design is a complex but essential part of the wire harness manufacturing process. By integrating automated design validation tools, companies can significantly reduce the risk of errors and ensure that their products meet the highest quality standards. As technology continues to evolve, the importance of innovative and efficient form board design will only increase. It is imperative for designers and engineers to stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies in form board design to remain competitive in this field.