Error-free aerospace wire harness design: minimizing supply chain risks and reducing ECOs

Sep 17, 2024

What if you could eliminate the headaches of supply chain risks and endless Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) in your aerospace wire harness design process? It sounds almost too good to be true, but the emergence of digital solutions is turning this dream into reality. Welcome to a new era in aerospace engineering, where digitalization is minimizing errors and streamlining production like never before. 

In this article, you'll uncover the major pitfalls of traditional wire harness design, explore the transformative benefits of digitalization, and gain practical steps to implement these advancements in your workflow. By the end, you might just find yourself questioning why you didn't make the switch sooner.

Traditional wire harness design approach

First, let's dive into the traditional method of wire harness design. This approach is as old as the hills, relying heavily on manual labor and physical prototypes. Engineers painstakingly test and validate each design, which is both time-consuming and prone to errors. Picture an engineer hunched over a table of tangled wires, trying to ensure every connection is perfect. It's a grueling process and any mistake can lead to significant delays, ballooning costs, and, most critically, safety risks. In an industry where safety is non-negotiable, these wire harnesses must have multiple layers of protection, including shielding, insulation, and grounding to prevent electrical failures and electromagnetic interference.

Now, imagine the frustration of finding an error late in the process—errors that could have been avoided with a more modern approach. The traditional methods not only expose you to risks but also demand extensive time and resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

Shift towards digitalization in wire harness design

Enter the digital age. The aerospace industry is increasingly shifting towards digitalization in wire harness design. With digital twins of aircraft, multiple design disciplines can be seamlessly connected, offering direct access to all necessary information and creating a common digital thread. This interconnected flow of data supports the entire design and manufacturing chain, optimizing the production line with precise instructions for manufacturing the harness .

The result? A virtual harness model that encapsulates geometry and wiring data, tailored specifically to customer or business requirements.

Imagine being able to spot and fix potential problems before they even arise, reducing costly errors and ensuring a smoother production process. This is not a futuristic dream but a tangible benefit of digitalization.

Comparison of traditional vs. digitalized design approaches

Error reduction

Digitalization allows for the early detection of potential issues, fostering a proactive rather than reactive approach to error management. In contrast, traditional methods often involve scrambling to address problems only after they have been discovered, increasing the risk of errors slipping through to the final product .

Think of digitalization as having a crystal ball that lets you foresee and prevent errors before they become costly mistakes.

Supply chain risks

A digitalized design process enables the seamless exchange of design data, minimizing errors, rework, and delivery delays. Traditional methods, on the other hand, often lack this connected digital thread, leading to miscommunication and errors that propagate through the supply chain—escalating risks and potentially resulting in costly ECOs . Imagine a broken telephone game where each miscommunication amplifies the problem. Digitalization eliminates this risk, ensuring everyone is on the same page from start to finish.

Cost and time efficiency

Digitalization significantly reduces both time and material costs, leading to an optimized production line. The traditional approach, reliant on physical prototypes and manual iterations, is not only costlier but also more time-consuming. A digital system can streamline these processes, saving you valuable resources and allowing for quicker time-to-market.


The shift towards digitalization in aerospace wire harness design is not just a passing fad; it is an essential progression to meet the growing demands for safety, reliability, and efficiency. Digital solutions offer clear advantages over traditional methods, from reducing errors and minimizing supply chain risks to cutting down on ECOs. These benefits are critical for maintaining the integrity and performance of aerospace systems.

So, as you consider the future of your aerospace wire harness design process, ask yourself: How can your organization leverage digital advancements to enhance product reliability and efficiency? The time to act is now.